This was a 4-month Freelance Graphic Design contract filling in for their designer while she was out.
Jenn stepped in to cover for our Marketing Manager while she was out on maternity leave, for about four months. During her tenure, Jenn was responsible for creating all marketing materials, print and digital. The software was primarily Adobe Suite and Jenn was highly proficient. She was very organized and kept track of multiple projects. She communicated effectively and asked relevant questions to keep projects flowing. Further, Jenn completed tasks quickly. She displayed a positive attitude and pivoted gracefully even when many iterations were asked of her. I would hire her again.
Ginger Baker
Associate Director, Digital Marketing at Alzheimer's Los Angeles
Associate Director, Digital Marketing at Alzheimer's Los Angeles
Flyers | PowerPoint Presentations | Social Media Graphics | Ads | | Program | ecards
Sponsor Deck for a large charitable event.
Alzheimer's LA Impact Report 2021
Series of Flyers in
English | Spanish | Chinese
Software: InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Acrobat
Healthy Brain Habits
Facilitator's Guide for PowerPoint Presentation
Facilitator's Guide for PowerPoint Presentation
Software: InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator
A PDF of a PowerPoint Presentation
Healthy Brain Habits
Healthy Brain Habits
A PDF of a PowerPoint Presentation
Improving Sleep
Improving Sleep
A PDF of a PowerPoint Presentation
Improve Mealtime
Improve Mealtime
Tip Sheets
Alzheimer's Tip Sheets in English, Spanish, Chinese and Korean
Instagram images designed for Social Media posts

Facebook/Instagram/Twitter/LinkedIn/Youtube Headers

Facebook/Instagram/Twitter/LinkedIn/Youtube Headers for Black History Month


2022 OPICA Luncheon Sponsorship Ad

ALZ-La OpinionAd

VW-Beverly Hills Chamber Ad

Event Journal
Annual Event - Visionary Women's Afternoon Tea
Software: Indesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Acrobat
Program Rack Card

Digital eCards for Online Donations